Why Deep Calm meditation?
In this course, called Deep Calm, I teach an ancient technique from the Himalayas that is scientifically proven to deliver transformative benefits. This is completely different from mindfulness and other styles of meditation which you might have tried before.
I'll show you how to get into a deep state of meditative absorption in just 20 minutes. This melts away stress and leaves you feeling happy, energised, and clear-headed. A skill for life you'll be delighted to practice.
I'll take you beyond the thinking mind into a place of peace, stillness, calm and silence. Life becomes easier when you delve into this altered state each day.

Meet Jimmy
"This all started because my life enjoyment was crippled by insomnia. I heard that meditation was a scientifically valid way to treat that problem. I'd already tried to fix it with video courses, books and guided meditation CDs, but nothing got me to that deep place I'd heard about. Then I found a teacher from the ancient Vedic tradition.
After four days of meditation training in a little room in London, my life was on a new path (and I was sleeping like a baby). Since then I've been hooked. I've spent years training, exploring and testing meditation techniques. I'm fascinated by the science and philosophies of these ancient practices. Now I teach busy people the most powerful techniques I know for connecting to deep inner silence and stillness."
Meditation for a spiritual connection?
I'll show you how to look, but I won't tell you what to see.
Are you drawn to meditation for spiritual reasons or to explore ancient philosophies? The course involves some information of this type. You'll learn about the overlap between ancient spiritual beliefs and modern scientific findings. But don't worry if this sounds a bit strange because the bulk of this course is rooted in practical advice and guidance.
If you're interested in the spiritual side of things then I can guide you to explore further, once the course is over.
Book your course
Courses are delivered over Zoom so you can enjoy the journey from the comfort of your own home. All you have to do is sign up for the sessions that suits your schedule.
Reserve my spaceDeep Calm:
Meditation for transcendence taught by Jimmy Wightman
"Transcendence" in meditation means to "go beyond." That's what this course is about; learning to go beyond the thinking mind.
After four sessions, you will be able to meditate anywhere, no matter what is going on around you. You will experience an altered state of consciousness, which brings inner stillness and silence.
Practicing this style of meditation facilitates the release of deeply embedded stress from the psyche and nervous system.
This ancient technique is perfect for modern living.
Deep Calm meditation course details
Four consecutive 90 minute sessions: Transcendence for life
Suitable for all levels, you will access a deep state of inner calm through a series of guided meditation sessions and insightful exercises.
You will discover the underpinning philosophy of the practice, which dates back thousands of years to the ancient Himalayan Yogis.
You will see the scientific research that backs it all up.
Plus, you will learn how to incorporate this easy and effortless practice into any busy routine.
- Duration: Six hours online over four days
- Average group size: 15 attendees (never more than 20)
- Location: Course delivered online via Zoom - join from your own home
- Support: Monthly Q&A, group meditations and private Facebook group
- Fee: £180 or £38 X 5 monthly payments
Course Breakdown:
Day 1:
You will received your Sanskrit mantra and be shown how to use it in order to enter a state of deep stillness and calm.
You will be shown the best practices and common pitfalls of this style of meditation.
By the end of the session you will feel confident enough to practice on your own without an audio or an app to guide you.
Day 2:
Today you will explore the mind on a deeper level. You will discover the five most common thought patterns you are likely to experience during meditation and how to handle them.
You will see how the "cycles of mind" change as you move from waking-state consciousness down into pure conscious awareness.
You will learn how to cope with the effects of physical and mental stress release, which are triggered by deep meditation.
Day 3:
You will continue to work with the mantra to refine the technique during guided meditation.
You will take the first step into the subconscious programming element of the program.
You will discover the ways in which this practice can change your life as you progress down this path. We explore how to navigate these changes with ease without falling into common traps that come up along the way.
Day 4:
Now you are confidently practicing this style of meditation and experiencing the benefits of transcendence.
Following the guided meditation we do a deep dive into the spiritual stuff.
We look at the philosophies and experiences of the ancient Yogis who invented this practice and how that matches up with what we know to be true from a scientific standpoint.
We then look into what this means for us in our practice.
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