Step back from the thinking mind, understand yourself at a deeper level, 
overcome stress & anxiety:
Love your life!

Event Recording

As seen on:

I'm intrigued, tell me more . . .

On this free one hour webinar I'll teach you a meditation technique that can be applied in any situation. For example, you can apply it while driving, waiting to be served at the supermarket or even during an argument or difficult conversation (so you can stay calm and in control).

You can practise it in a formal way, sitting on a cushion for many hours, or you can practise it for 30 seconds while you take a sip of coffee. You can even apply it in the background while chatting to a friend.

Using the technique in these ways will make you more present, alive in the senses, and alert to what’s happening rather than lost in thoughts of past and future.

And when thoughts come, you’ll easily see them for what they really are - images projected onto your mental screen coupled with bursts of mental talk. I'll teach you how to step back and witness how your moment-to-moment experience is created. It’s a way of pulling apart the strands of experience and exploring your true nature.

When: Now. The event was on 3rd July. You can receive the recording instantly

Includes: 20 mins teaching, a 20 minute guided meditation, 20 mins Q&A

Delivered: via Zoom

Cost: Free

What are the benefits?

  • Reduce suffering for ourselves and others
  • Understand ourselves at the deepest level
  • Have more fun and enjoy life
  • Improve mental and physical health
  • Be more skilful in relationships, career and life in general


About Jimmy

Jimmy is a Brighton-based fully trained meditation teacher who specialises in both the calming and clarifying aspects of meditation.

He discovered meditation while looking for a solution to the mental health problems he was facing at the time, namely insomnia and depression. Thankfully meditation helped him to turn his life around and now he helps others to do the same.

Jimmy started out with Vedic meditation (also known as Transcendental meditation) and is also experienced in Vipassana, insight and Zen.

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